Finally getting to write about my new grandson, Baby Jack. He was born on December 20th at 5:04 p.m weighing 7 lbs 8 oz, 20 3/4 inches long. Living out of town, I did not make it in time for his arrival as Amy had a short delivery time of less than 6 hours for a first birth. He is a beautiful, healthy baby. Has had a little jaundice but it is improving and he is eating well, sleeping and blessing us every moment. He makes me laugh when I watch all the funny faces he makes. He does not know how funny and cute he is, but thats okay, mimi has her camera close by and snapping away. He will know all of this one day as it will all be recorded in his scrapbook I will be making for as long as I am a part of his life. Mom and Dad are the most wonderful parents and enjoying parenthood. Amy is not getting much sleep as she learns to breastfeed, but that will all get better in the days ahead. I did make a trip to the grocery store and on my way out of the parking lot, I did not see a pole and turned my blazer right into it messing up the whole left side of the car. Thankful to have a son in law who fixes cars, so we wait for the insurance man to come and and give the estimate and hopefully Brian can repair Mimi's car. I may get to stay with Baby Jack longer than planned due to the car repairs. At least I only got a big bruise on my hip from the accident, but it is really sore.
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