Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well this is day 4 of Bible School for Aaron and Hayleigh. They are trying to raise $1200.00 to buy a motorcycle for a missionary and if they do, Ms. Dinah will have to ride a motorcycle with Bro. Randy. I hope I am there to view this event. Closing program tomorrow nite. If I can keep them in a VBS every week, this should keep them very busy and give me a break. Ha. Trinity VBS is July 5th and I am helping in pre-school crafts. The summer is going by fast but its fun watching Hayleigh and Aaron together. They get along for the most part, but occassionally get on each others nerve as they say. Guess the hot weather is affecting Hayleigh as she has almost quit eating, does not seem to have an appetite. Guess the ole Texas humidity has gotten to her. She loves staying inside and being cool. So do I.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the kids are enjoying VBS. You MUST take pictures if Dinah rides the motorcycle!!
    Your blog looks great!
    Love you


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